Message to the Creators of Peace Community
Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye, President of Creators of Peace, shares a message of encouragement.

Dear Creators of Peace Community,
Not many can recall a time such as this where there is a near total shut down of activities, as we know it. And, it’s happening the world over, at the same time! What is really going on? I get nervous watching the news or reading the flurry of messages on social media! As we each try to make meaning of the situation, maybe it’s time to click the reset button. Be present to my own deeper needs and of those around us. It is time to nourish our soul and spirit in silence. I find reading inspirational books and scriptures helpful; listening to music is both an enjoyment and a reflective practice.
As peace creators we are reminded to be intentional in our care for others. Connect with family and friends as most people are home! Many at this time need gentle accompaniment. In conversations we give ourselves and others the permission to share our joys, fears, anxieties and victories. It’s an opportunity to practice deep listening skills!
I am also encouraged by the little acts of kindness and creativity in the news. It shows that we are capable of doing more; creating ripples of goodness, courage and laughter! In the face of the ravaging pandemic COVID 19, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres recently called for global ceasefire in conflict regions. The virus does not care about nationality or ethnicity, faith or faction, it attacks all. For the sake of our common humanity can we stand together to end all human suffering.
As Creators of Peace let’s press the reset button in words, attitude and action.